Thirteen early stage researchers presented their work on
confectionery quality control and shared how SuChAQuality
shaped their journeys.
We concluded the SuChAQuality Training & Experience Sharing Event on December 30 with opening and closing remarks by Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Mecit Halil Oztop, and moderated by Nice Erkan.
Around 40 attendees joined to hear personal journeys and innovative research from our 13 ESRs: Naomi Douglas, Barış Ege Gülenç, IMRAN FAKHAR, Karol Kołodziejski, Cristian Andrés Fuentes Zepeda, Faisal Sheraz Shah, Rabaila Riaz, Hilmi Eriklioğlu, Macarena Rojas Rioseco, Esmanur ilhan, Ozan Taş, Erdem MERCAN, and Aymelek Kübra USLU.
Thank you to everyone who made this a success!